Friday, July 19, 2013

What Is a Software Architect

"That's incidental. What's the first and principal thing he does, what need does he serve..." --Dr. Hannibal Lecter

As any regular readers know, (Thanks, by the way!) I pretty strongly believe that understanding a thing tells you want to do with that thing. And since I've been writing for some time now about being a "Software Architect", we should take some time and ask the question "What does it mean to be a Software Architect?" As I've said before, not agreeing on definitions leads to communication breakdown.

On the surface, a software architect designs software. he is responsible for the design, even if he doesn't necessarily go on from there to build it. Although he might go on to do just that, as in many organizations the architect and the developer wear the same skin. So, the architect creates not just the class diagrams but often the technologies as well, thus shaping what the final product will look like.

But, as Dr. Lecter would say, that's incidental.

In order to design a software application, an architect needs to know two things. What is needed of the application and what is the best way of fulfilling those needs.Without these pieces of information, the design will fail somewhere along the line. So first of all, the architect needs to be familiar with the business requirements at hand. Secondly, the architect needs to have a broad enough field of experience to know the proper technologies to implement the requirements. If the architect only has a shoe or a bottle to pound in a nail then the final result can't help but fail. So, a software architect is starting to sound a lot like a general contractor. You get the request, you choose the materials, plan your work, and then hand things off to subcontractors to fulfill.

That, too, is incidental.

Software doesn't exist in a void or for its own sake. It exists to fill a need. A real-life need that is both concrete and immediate. Whether the application is as innocuous as Angry Birds or as complicated as the Linux Kernel, it exists because someone needed it. In order to design a useful application, you need to understand that need. When you understand a need, you can provide a solution. If you provide a solution, then you can provide a spec doc that can actually be fulfilled. If you have a spec doc that can be fulfilled, then you can choose the right tools and build the proper design.

This is not incidental. This is the first and principal thing that you are and the need you serve. You're a problem solver. This has been my employment Elevator Pitch for years.

"What do you do?"

"I solve problems."

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