Friday, May 11, 2018

The Binary Fallacy

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
-Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

Binary Thinking is the process of thinking of things in terms of two opposites. You can either do A or it's opposite B. But that's it. In Neuro-Linguistic Programming, it's a technique for manipulating someone into making the decision you want by framing the choice as a matter of either the thing you want them to do or the opposite, presented as a harmful choice. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy it's a pattern to be broken to help people gain more control over their lives. In Software Architecture it's a warning sign.

If stuck between two different ways of designing something, the answer is always door number three.

Why do humans think like this? Why didn't Frost just keep walking straight through the woods and not worry about the roads? Why didn't The Clash stop worrying about staying and going and just Rock the Casbah? I don't really know. I'm not a psychologist. I'm just a software architect who's familiar with Analysis Paralysis. The phenomenon of getting nothing whatsoever done because you're locked up in the decision making process. And after years of trying to figure out how to avoid this, I came to one inescapable conclusion.

When you're in analysis paralysis it's because every path you're considering is wrong

In my opinion, this happens when you realize deep down that you're looking at the problem wrong and considering bad options. You can't decide because you know your options are both bad.

So what do you do? Well, that's the tricky part and adages about in which part of the box to think aren't as helpful as people who use them think they are. If thinking of something new was as easy as the realization that we need something new then Elon Musk wouldn't be quite the icon he's become. The important question is HOW? First, you just need to stop and accept the fact that you need to come up with something different. Your first decisions were wrong and you need to set them aside. Don't go back to them. Then I recommend you look at the great Stoic thinkers. You start by asking "What is this and what is it for?" I often tell developers to answer those two questions for every application, for every class they build, for every database and table they create. And you don't build the thing in question until you can answer those questions.

Then you ask if a thing is needed or just wanted. If it's not something you need, based on the answers to the above questions, then you leave it out. You strip away the irrelevant. Often I find myself locked up because I can't find a clean way of integrating the irrelevant into my design. Once I stop and realize the piece that doesn't fit doesn't need to fit, things get easier.

I've often said that software development is 90% thinking and 10% typing. If you understand how to think clearly, how to organize your thoughts, and how to tell the difference between the necessary and the unnecessary then there's little that can keep you from being a great software developer.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

You've Got One Job

"If you choose to not deal with an issue, then you give up your right of control over the issue and it will select the path of least resistance." -Susan Del Gatto, Creating Balance in a World of Stress: Six Key Habits to Avoid in Order to Reduce Stress

Never forget that your only job is to provide a solution to a problem

Stick with any career long enough and you start to develop a set of principles that guide your approach to your job. Call it experience, call it being set in your ways, even call it wisdom if you dare. But we all do it. I've got about twenty of them, which I realized after an NCIS binge when I started writing them down Gibbs' Rules style. Rather than blasting them out all at once, over the next several articles I'm going to talk about each one. There's no particular order, other than the order in which I wrote them down. However, if I had to pick one to be the most important, it's the one I'm starting with.

Even at the beginning of my career, I never really thought of myself as a software developer. Rather, I thought of myself as a problem solver, albeit one who tended to approach solutions with code. But that idea has always stuck with me. Always be solving a problem.

Now, not all problems are created equal. Some are quite big. For instance, Linus Torvalds solved the problem of having to pay money for an operating system. Some seem almost insignificant. Recently I've been working on the problem of "I don't know Python as well as I'd like to". Something of import to almost no one other than myself. But that's the point. It's someone's problem, and it's getting solved.

Of course, what I'm really getting at is why you write software professionally. And while we all basically realize that we need to fulfill requirements, implement stories, or however we get the list of stuff we're supposed to write, it's easy to lose track of the big picture when you're in the weeds of the little picture.

The problem is that we, as software developers, don't just like to develop software. We like to develop cool software. However we define that, but usually as "the last new idea I read". Admit it- you do it, too. Goodness knows I do. We like to learn new things, we like to try new techniques, because we like, no we need to grow. This rule is to remind me not to take that too far. Ultimately, it's not about what I want, it's about what solves the customer's problem. Because if I'm not doing that, I'm wasting everyone's time.

I've also ran into situations where solving the problem didn't have anything to do with new software, custom software, or even software at all. I've on occasion been able to trim large portions out of a project with suggested business process changes. Or by pointing out that the requested software doesn't actually solve their problem, and on occasion might even compound it. A good software developer knows when to not develop software.

The idea of solving a problem is a big one, and one that spans several of the principles on my list. But this one gets its own item because it all boils down to this simple concept. You're not writing software to write software. You're solving a problem.